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    约翰·韦恩原名马里恩·莫里森,父亲是一位药剂师,童年时举家南迁到南加州,并在莫哈韦沙漠经营一个农场,直到农场失败以前,莫里森每天都要和弟弟一起先游过一条小河,然后再骑马去上学。农场失败后他们再次搬家,莫里森开始替父亲送药或者卖报纸来打工,并有了一条硬毛狗取名叫“公爵”。日后这成了韦恩自己的昵称。   他在学校里功课和橄榄球都不错,并在假期打工时认识了西部片导演约翰·福特,但这时他的梦想还是成为一个橄榄球明星。直到一次事故让他被迫离开赛场后,他才开始在福特的指导下开始演艺生涯,并改名为约翰·韦恩。  他出演的第一部电影是1930年的《没有女人的男人》,稍后也主演了几部影片。但是那个时候西部片这种类型尚未成熟,制作粗陋,而二十出头的韦恩也稍嫌稚嫩,还没有日后那种强硬粗狂的风格,这时的他并不走红。










  韦恩是一个保守的共和党人。在1943年,他参加了用来维护美国的理想的创建影业联盟。于1947年当选该机构主席。他是一个狂热的反共产主义。在1951年,他在《檀岛歼谍记》也显示了他支持反共产主义事业的立场。  由于他巨大的人气和他的地位,作为好莱坞最有名的共和党明星,富裕的德克萨斯州共和党党支持者希望韦恩同他的朋友和同胞演员参议员乔治墨菲一样参与政府运行。他拒绝,并开玩笑说“他不相信市民会认真考虑让一个演员在白宫的工作的。"不过,他支持他的朋友罗纳德·里根在1966年和1970年两次参选加州州长。  韦恩也是保守和反共产主义约翰桦木社会中成员之一。   韦恩的强烈反共产主义的立场导致了十分危险的状况。从苏联档案馆2003年报告表明,斯大林曾下令暗杀韦恩,但杀害完成前斯大林去世。他的继任者,赫鲁晓夫,据报说,在1958年对美国的访问时告诉韦恩,他亲自撤销了该命令。




  约翰韦恩超出了辨别一位著名的演员一般标准,他代表了美国的价值观和理想。在他的职业生涯中期,韦恩开始了有传奇色彩的生涯,他选定的角色不能与他萤幕下的形象相违背。在他最后一次电影shootist(1976年)中,韦恩拒绝让他的角色在背后射杀一名男子。韦恩战争英雄的经典形象开始形成于二战结束四年后,《血战琉磺岛》上映后。他在好莱坞的中国剧院前留下了足迹,浇注的水泥中加入了来自硫黄岛的沙子。他的地位上升非常快并富有传奇性。当日本裕仁天皇在1975年访问美国时,他要求会见约翰韦恩因为他象征代表日本的前敌人。  韦恩在第二次世界大战战争地区非常受欢迎,比如韩国和越南。到了20世纪50年代,或许很大程度上是由于军事电影的相继上映,如《血战硫黄岛》、 《飞虎队》 、《they were Expendable》和《福特骑兵三部曲》,韦恩已经成为美国军事一个象征--即使他缺乏实际的从军经验。许多老兵说,他们参军多少和看韦恩的电影有关。他的名字被用来给各种工具明明,例如P-38以“约翰韦恩”命名,因为“它可以做任何事情”,擦手纸被称为“约翰韦恩厕纸”,因为“它的粗糙和它的强硬并且不欺负任何人“。一个位于加利福尼亚州圣伯纳蒂诺城的用于军用坦克和吉普车通过的岩石通道被当地命名为“约翰韦恩通道”。   许多公共场所命名为约翰韦恩用来纪念他。它们包括在加州奥兰治县的约翰韦恩机场,他的真人大小的雕像被放置在入口处;华盛顿附近的约翰韦恩码头,纽约布鲁克林的约翰韦恩小学,由纽约的艺术家诺克斯李柱铭题为“约翰韦恩和美国边疆”的长为38英尺的马赛克壁画和在华盛顿州的铁马国家公园命名为“约翰韦恩的先驱之旅”100多英里步道。一座大于真人大小的韦恩骑马的青铜雕被竖立在街角。  2007年12月5日,加州州长阿诺史瓦辛格和第一夫人玛丽亚玛丽将韦恩加入到加州名人堂,位于加利福尼亚州博物馆。







演员  cast

1 I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper  (2005)  ..... Ethan Edwards (archive footage) 

2 Rated 'R': Republicans in Hollywood  (2004)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

3 Bob Hope at 100  (2003)  ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 

4 Christmas From Hollywood  (2003)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

5 Go West, Young Man!  (2003)  ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 

6 Remembering 'The Quiet Man'  (2002)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

7 John Wayne's 'The Alamo'  (2001)  ..... Davy Crockett (archive footage) 

8 Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood  (2001)  ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 

9 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies  (2001)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

10 Warner Bros. 75th Anniversary: No Guts, No Glory  (1998)  ..... (archive footage) (uncredited) 

11 John Wayne on Film  (1998)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

12 Playboy: The Story of X  (1998)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

13 The Best of the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts  (1998)  ..... Himself - Roaster(Guest) (archive footage) 

14 Barbara Walters: 20 Years at ABC  (1996)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

15 Legends of Entertainment Video  (1995)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

16 100 Years of the Hollywood Western  (1994)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

17 Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In: 25th Anniversary Reunion  (1993)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

18 Laugh-In Past Christmas Present  (1993)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

19 A Bob Hope Christmas  (1993)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

20 Classe américaine, La  (1993)  ..... Georges Abitbol (archive footage) 

21 The Making of 'The Quiet Man'  (1992)  ..... (archive footage) 

22 Ca détourne  (1992)  ..... MC François (archive footage) 

23 Oscar's Greatest Moments  (1992)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

24 Rock Hudson's Home Movies  (1992)  ..... (archive footage) 

25 Here's Looking at You, Warner Bros.  (1991)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

26 Hollywood on Parade  (1990)  ..... Himself 

27 John Ford  (1990)  ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 

28 We Can Keep You Forever  (1988)  ..... Himself (at POW homecoming) (archive footage) (uncredited)  

29 Cowboys of the Saturday Matinee  (1984)  .....  

30 Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen  (1981)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

31 John Wayne the Duke Lives On: A Tribute  (1980)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

32 "Hollywood"  (1980)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

33 Fist of Fear, Touch of Death  (1980)  ..... Himself, at the Academy Awards (archive footage) (uncredited) 

34 Ken Murray Shooting Stars  (1979)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

35 The 51st Annual Academy Awards  (1979)  ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Picture 

36 The American Film Institute Salute to Henry Fonda  (1978)  ..... Himself 

37 General Electric's All-Star Anniversary  (1978)  ..... Himself/Host 

38 Early American Christmas  (1978)  .....  

39 That's Action  (1977)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

40 CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years  (1976)  ..... Himself 

41 It's Showtime  (1976)  ..... (archive footage) 

42 Chesty: A Tribute to a Legend  (1976)  ..... Narrator 

43 英雄本色 The Shootist  (1976)  ..... John Bernard Books 

44 America Salutes Richard Rodgers: The Sound of His Music  (1976)  ..... Himself 

45 Backlot USA  (1976)  ..... Himself 

46 America at the Movies  (1976)  ..... (archive footage) 

47 Hooray for Hollywood  (1975)  ..... (archive footage) 

48 The 47th Annual Academy Awards  (1975)  ..... Himself - Presenter: Honorary Award to Howard Hawks 

49 无所遁形 Brannigan  (1975)  ..... Lt. Jim Brannigan 

50 Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?  (1975)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

51 公鸡考格本 Rooster Cogburn  (1975)  ..... Marshal Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn 

52 盗毒 McQ  (1974)  ..... Det. Lt. Lon McQ 

53 John Wayne and Glen Campbell & the Musical West  (1974)  ..... Himself 

54 The American Film Institute Salute to John Ford  (1973)  ..... Himself 

55 父子三英豪 Cahill U.S. Marshal  (1973)  ..... U.S. Marshal J.D. Cahill 

56 列车大盗 The Train Robbers  (1973)  ..... Lane 

57 The 44th Annual Academy Awards  (1972)  ..... Himself- Presenter 

58 The Cowboys  (1972)  ..... Wil Andersen 

59 Cancel My Reservation  (1972)  ..... John Wayne (uncredited) 

60 Directed by John Ford  (1971)  ..... Himself (uncredited) 

61 The Selling of the Pentagon  (1971)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

62 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jack Benny But Were Afraid to Ask  (1971)  ..... Himself 

63 乡下佬 Big Jake  (1971)  ..... Jacob McCandles 

64 The American West of John Ford  (1971)  ..... Narrator 

65 Sehnsucht nach dem wilden Westen  (1971)  ..... Himself 

66 Swing Out, Sweet Land  (1970)  ..... Himself 

67 擒贼擒王 Rio Lobo  (1970)  ..... Col. Cord McNally 

68 The 42nd Annual Academy Awards  (1970)  ..... Himself - Best Actor Winner/Presenter: Best Cinematography 

69 Harry Jackson: A Man and his Art  (1970)  ..... Narrator (voice) 

70 Raquel!  (1970)  ..... Himself 

71 白谷太阳 Chisum  (1970)  ..... John Simpson Chisum 

72 No Substitute for Victory  (1970)  ..... Narrator 

73 大地惊雷 True Grit  (1969)  ..... Marshall Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn 

74 The Undefeated  (1969)  ..... Col. John Henry Thomas 

75 Hellfighters  (1968)  ..... Chance Buckman 

76 绿色贝蕾帽 The Green Berets  (1968)  ..... Col. Mike Kirby 

77 战车 The War Wagon  (1967)  ..... Taw Jackson 

78 A Nation Builds Under Fire  (1967)  ..... Narrator 

79 血肉长城 Cast a Giant Shadow  (1966)  ..... Gen. Mike Randolph 

80 龙虎盟 El Dorado  (1966)  ..... Cole Thornton 

81 万世流芳 The Greatest Story Ever Told  (1965)  ..... Centurion at crucifixion 

82 In Harm's Way  (1965)  ..... Capt. Rockwell Torrey 

83 The Sons of Katie Elder  (1965)  ..... John Elder 

84 马戏世界 Circus World  (1964)  ..... Matt Masters 

85 驯妻记 McLintock!  (1963)  ..... George Washington McLintock 

86 珊岛乐园 Donovan's Reef  (1963)  ..... Michael Patrick 'Guns' Donovan 

87 Hollywood Without Make-Up  (1963)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

88 最长的一天 The Longest Day  (1962)  ..... Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort 

89 哈泰利 Hatari!  (1962)  ..... Sean Mercer 

90 西部开拓史 How the West Was Won  (1962)  ..... Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman 

91 双虎屠龙 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance  (1962)  ..... Tom Doniphon 

92 'Neath Arizona Skies  (1962)  ..... John Martin 

93 The Challenge of Ideas  (1961)  ..... Narrator 

94 10 del Texas, I  (1961)  ..... (archive footage) 

95 The Comancheros  (1961)  ..... Ranger Capt. Jake Cutter 

96 边城英烈传 The Alamo  (1960)  ..... Col. Davy Crockett 

97 The 32nd Annual Academy Awards  (1960)  ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Director 

98 北国淘金记 North to Alaska  (1960)  ..... Sam McCord 

99 骑兵队 The Horse Soldiers  (1959)  ..... Col. John Marlowe 

100 红河谷 Rio Bravo  (1959)  ..... Sheriff John T. Chance 

101 The 31st Annual Academy Awards  (1959)  ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Actor, and in opening greeting 

102 The 30th Annual Academy Awards  (1958)  ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Actress 

103 I Married a Woman  (1958)  ..... John Wayne/Leonard (uncredited) 

104 蛮夷与艺妓 The Barbarian and the Geisha  (1958)  ..... Townsend Harris 

105 Jet Pilot  (1957)  ..... Col. Jim Shannon 

106 宝城艳姬 Legend of the Lost  (1957)  ..... Joe January 

107 碧血溅长空 The Wings of Eagles  (1957)  ..... Frank W. 'Spig' Wead 

108 搜索者 The Searchers  (1956)  ..... Ethan Edwards 

109 成吉思汗 The Conqueror  (1956)  ..... Temujin, later Genghis Khan 

110 血巷 Blood Alley  (1955)  ..... Capt. Tom Wilder 

111 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Cowboy Stars  (1955)  ..... Himself (archive footage) 

112 Screen Snapshots: The Great Al Jolson  (1955)  ..... Himself 

113 海上追逐战 The Sea Chase  (1955)  ..... Capt. Karl Ehrlich 

114 情天未了缘 The High and the Mighty  (1954)  ..... Dan Roman 

115 Hondo  (1953)  ..... Hondo Lane 

116 Island in the Sky  (1953)  ..... Capt. Dooley 

117 Trouble Along the Way  (1953)  ..... Steve Aloysius Williams 

118 Three Lives  (1953)  ..... Commentator 

119 The 25th Annual Academy Awards  (1953)  ..... Himself - accepting Best Actor Award for Gary Cooper 

120 Big Jim McLain  (1952)  ..... Jim McLain 

121 蓬门今始为君开 The Quiet Man  (1952)  ..... Sean Thornton 

122 Miracle in Motion  (1952)  ..... Narrator 

123 The Screen Director  (1951)  ..... Himself (staged 'archive' footage) (uncredited) 

124 太平洋机动作战 Operation Pacific  (1951)  ..... Lt Cmdr. Duke E. Gifford 

125 Screen Snapshots: Reno's Silver Spur Awards  (1951)  ..... Himself 

126 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Awards  (1951)  ..... Himself 

127 Flying Leathernecks  (1951)  ..... Maj. Daniel Xavier Kirby 

128 边疆铁骑军 Rio Grande  (1950)  ..... Lt. Col. Kirby Yorke 

129 骑士与女郎 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon  (1949)  ..... Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles 

130 硫磺岛浴血战 Sands of Iwo Jima  (1949)  ..... Sgt. John M. Stryker 

131 The Fighting Kentuckian  (1949)  ..... John Breen 

132 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Rodeo  (1949)  ..... Himself 

133 荒漠三雄 3 Godfathers  (1948)  ..... Robert Marmaduke Sangster Hightower 

134 Wake of the Red Witch  (1948)  ..... Capt. Ralls 

135 红河 Red River  (1948)  ..... Thomas Dunson 

136 Movies Are Adventure  (1948)  ..... Clip from 'Stagecoach' (archive footage) (uncredited) 

137 要塞风云 Fort Apache  (1948)  ..... Capt. Kirby York 

138 Tycoon  (1947)  ..... Johnny Munroe 

139 天使与魔鬼 Angel and the Badman  (1947)  ..... Quirt Evans 

140 Without Reservations  (1946)  ..... Rusty Thomas 

141 Desert Command  (1946)  ..... Tom Wayne 

142 反攻班丹岛 Back to Bataan  (1945)  ..... Col. Joseph Madden 

143 Dakota  (1945)  ..... John Devlin 

144 Flame of Barbary Coast  (1945)  ..... Duke Fergus 

145 They Were Expendable  (1945)  ..... Lt. (j.g.) 'Rusty' Ryan 

146 豪侠荡寇 Tall in the Saddle  (1944)  ..... Rocklin 

147 The Fighting Seabees  (1944)  ..... Wedge Donovan 

148 A Lady Takes a Chance  (1943)  ..... Duke Hudkins 

149 In Old Oklahoma  (1943)  ..... Daniel F. Somers 

150 Pittsburgh  (1942)  ..... Charles 'Pittsburgh' Markham/Charles Ellis 

151 在古老的加利福尼亚 In Old California  (1942)  ..... Tom Craig 

152 Lady for a Night  (1942)  ..... Jackson Morgan 

153 无敌飞虎将 Flying Tigers  (1942)  ..... Capt. Jim Gordon 

154 The Spoilers  (1942)  ..... Roy Glennister 

155 野风 Reap the Wild Wind  (1942)  ..... Captain Jack Stuart 

156 Reunion in France  (1942)  ..... Pat Talbot 

157 Lady from Louisiana  (1941)  ..... John Reynolds 

158 A Man Betrayed  (1941)  ..... Lynn Hollister 

159 Meet the Stars: Stars Past and Present  (1941)  ..... Himself 

160 The Shepherd of the Hills  (1941)  ..... Young Matt 

161 Dark Command  (1940)  ..... Bob Seton 

162 Three Faces West  (1940)  ..... John Phillips 

163 七枭雄 Seven Sinners  (1940)  ..... Lt. Dan Brent 

164 Meet the Stars: Cowboy Jubilee  (1940)  ..... Himself 

165 天涯路 The Long Voyage Home  (1940)  ..... Ole Olsen 

166 New Frontier  (1939)  ..... Stony Brooke 

167 The Night Riders  (1939)  ..... Stony Brooke 

168 Wyoming Outlaw  (1939)  ..... Stony Brooke 

169 Three Texas Steers  (1939)  ..... Stony Brooke 

170 Allegheny Uprising  (1939)  ..... James Smith 

171 关山飞渡 Stagecoach  (1939)  ..... The Ringo Kid 

172 Santa Fe Stampede  (1938)  ..... Stony Brooke 

173 Red River Range  (1938)  ..... Stony Brooke 

174 Overland Stage Raiders  (1938)  ..... Stony Brooke 

175 Pals of the Saddle  (1938)  ..... Stony Brooke 

176 I Cover the War  (1937)  ..... Bob Adams 

177 Idol of the Crowds  (1937)  ..... Johnny Hansen 

178 Sea Spoilers  (1937)  ..... 'Bos'n' Bob Randall 

179 Born to the West  (1937)  ..... Dare Rudd 

180 Adventure's End  (1937)  ..... Duke Slade 

181 California Straight Ahead!  (1937)  ..... Biff Smith 

182 King of the Pecos  (1936)  ..... John Clayborn 

183 Winds of the Wasteland  (1936)  ..... John Blair 

184 The Lonely Trail  (1936)  ..... Capt. John Ashley 

185 The Lawless Nineties  (1936)  ..... John Tipton 

186 Conflict  (1936)  ..... Pat Glendon 

187 The Oregon Trail  (1936)  ..... Capt John Delmont 

188 Westward Ho  (1935)  ..... John Wyatt 

189 Texas Terror  (1935)  ..... Sheriff John Higgins 

190 The Dawn Rider  (1935)  ..... John Mason 

191 The Desert Trail  (1935)  ..... John Scott, aka John Jones 

192 Lawless Range  (1935)  ..... John Middleton, aka John Allen 

193 Rainbow Valley  (1935)  ..... John Martin 

194 The New Frontier  (1935)  ..... John Dawson 

195 Paradise Canyon  (1935)  ..... John Wyatt aka John Rogers 

196 Randy Rides Alone  (1934)  ..... Randy Bowers 

197 The Star Packer  (1934)  ..... U.S. Marshal John Travers 

198 The Trail Beyond  (1934)  ..... Rod Drew 

199 West of the Divide  (1934)  ..... Ted Hayden, posing as Gat Ganns 

200 The Lucky Texan  (1934)  ..... Jerry Mason 

201 The Man from Utah  (1934)  ..... John Weston 

202 The Lawless Frontier  (1934)  ..... John Tobin 

203 'Neath the Arizona Skies  (1934)  ..... Chris Morrell 

204 Blue Steel  (1934)  ..... John Carruthers 

205 The Telegraph Trail  (1933)  ..... John Trent 

206 The Three Musketeers  (1933)  ..... Lt. Tom Wayne 

207 娃娃脸 Baby Face  (1933)  ..... Jimmy McCoy Jr. 

208 College Coach  (1933)  ..... Student greeting Phil (uncredited) 

209 Central Airport  (1933)  ..... Co-pilot in Wreck (uncredited) 

210 His Private Secretary  (1933)  ..... Dick Wallace  

211 Somewhere in Sonora  (1933)  ..... John Bishop 

212 Riders of Destiny  (1933)  ..... Singin' Sandy Saunders 

213 Sagebrush Trail  (1933)  ..... John Brant (using alias John Smith) 

214 The Man From Monterey  (1933)  ..... Captain John Holmes 

215 The Life of Jimmy Dolan  (1933)  ..... Smith 

216 The Big Stampede  (1932)  ..... Deputy Sheriff John Steele 

217 Haunted Gold  (1932)  ..... John Mason 

218 The Hurricane Express  (1932)  ..... Larry Baker 

219 The Hollywood Handicap  (1932)  ..... Himself 

220 The Voice of Hollywood No. 13  (1932)  ..... Announcer 

221 Two-Fisted Law  (1932)  ..... Duke 

222 That's My Boy  (1932)  ..... Football Player 

223 Texas Cyclone  (1932)  ..... Steve Pickett 

224 Lady and Gent  (1932)  ..... Buzz Kinney  

225 Running Hollywood  (1932)  .....  

226 The Shadow of the Eagle  (1932)  ..... Craig McCoy 

227 Ride Him, Cowboy  (1932)  ..... John Drury 

228 The Deceiver  (1931)  ..... Richard Thorpe as a corpse 

229 Girls Demand Excitement  (1931)  ..... Peter Brooks 

230 Three Girls Lost  (1931)  ..... Gordon Wales 

231 Range Feud  (1931)  ..... Clint Turner 

232 Maker of Men  (1931)  ..... Dusty Rhodes 

233 Arizona  (1931)  ..... Lt. Bob Denton 

234 Cheer Up and Smile  (1930)  ..... Bit Part (uncredited) 

235 大追踪 The Big Trail  (1930)  ..... Breck Coleman 

236 Born Reckless  (1930)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

237 Rough Romance  (1930)  ..... Lumberjack (uncredited) 

238 Men Without Women  (1930)  ..... Radioman on surface (uncredited) 

239 Words and Music  (1929)  ..... Pete Donahue (as Duke Morrison) 

240 Speakeasy  (1929)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

241 The Black Watch  (1929)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

242 The Forward Pass  (1929)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

243 Salute  (1929)  ..... Bill (midshipman) (uncredited) 

244 Four Sons  (1928)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

245 Hangman's House  (1928)  ..... Horse Race Spectator/Condemned Man in Flashback (uncredited) 

246 Mother Machree  (1928)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

247 Annie Laurie  (1927)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 

248 The Drop Kick  (1927)  ..... USC Football Player 

249 Bardelys the Magnificent  (1926)  ..... Guard 

250 Brown of Harvard  (1926)  ..... Yale Football Player (uncredited) 

251 The Great K & A Train Robbery  (1926)  ..... Extra (uncredited) 




导演  director

1 乡下佬 Big Jake  (1971)  .....  

2 绿色贝蕾帽 The Green Berets  (1968)  .....  

3 The Comancheros  (1961)  .....  

4 边城英烈传 The Alamo  (1960)  .....  

5 血巷 Blood Alley  (1955)  .....  




制片  producer

1 Hondo and the Apaches  (1967)  ..... producer 

2 边城英烈传 The Alamo  (1960)  ..... producer 

3 China Doll  (1958)  ..... producer 

4 Escort West  (1958)  ..... producer 

5 Good-bye, My Lady  (1956)  ..... producer 

6 Gun the Man Down  (1956)  ..... producer 

7 Seven Men from Now  (1956)  ..... producer 

8 Man in the Vault  (1956)  ..... producer 

9 血巷 Blood Alley  (1955)  ..... producer 

10 情天未了缘 The High and the Mighty  (1954)  ..... producer 

11 Ring of Fear  (1954)  ..... producer 

12 Track of the Cat  (1954)  ..... producer 

13 Hondo  (1953)  ..... producer 

14 Island in the Sky  (1953)  ..... producer 

15 Plunder of the Sun  (1953)  ..... producer 

16 Big Jim McLain  (1952)  ..... producer 

17 Bullfighter and the Lady  (1951)  ..... producer 

18 The Dangerous Stranger  (1950)  ..... producer 

19 The Fighting Kentuckian  (1949)  ..... producer 

20 天使与魔鬼 Angel and the Badman  (1947)  ..... producer 



助理导演 assistant director

1 蓬门今始为君开 The Quiet Man  (1952)  ..... second unit director 



艺术指导 art department

1 Cheer Up and Smile  (1930)  ..... property assistant 

2 Rough Romance  (1930)  ..... props 

3 The Black Watch  (1929)  ..... props 

4 Words and Music  (1929)  ..... property assistant 

5 Four Sons  (1928)  ..... props 

6 Mother Machree  (1928)  ..... props 

7 The Great K & A Train Robbery  (1926)  ..... property boy (uncredited) 


特技表演 stunt performer

1 Bardelys the Magnificent  (1926)  ..... stunts 



全体团队 crewmembers

1 Gone  (2003)  ..... thanks 

2 Directed by John Ford  (1971)


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