The idea of the whole movie is about one's spirit separated from the body.
Avatar transferred human to another planet, Inception confused us between dreams and reality. Source Code is about entering into another person's mind: Only 8 minutes before he dies.
The plot is very well written, each 8 minutes is different and necessary. In the short 90 minutes, Jake has to find out what's going on with him in reality and at the same time carry the mission to solve a terrist case. And of course falling in love. Lots of information to digest and the movie holds itself very well with all moving parts. The thrill part is intense throughout the 90 minutes, while the love part is growing with chemistry among actors. It's not a high cost sci-fi movie but it does better job than lots of those big budget ones. The truth is that you have to have a core in the movie like people need to have a heart. The feeling of live and death, the feeling of love and the feeling of sympathy make this movie very touching.
I gave credit to the cast as well as the writer. Jake is more of a actor than a star now. Vera Famiga never fails her roles. Her role as the operator of the project can be so easily stereo typed but she made it so real.
There are holes in the plot but it does not disturb you much. Only complain is the ending. i would say the French will make it just 5 minutes shorter.
At JFK airport.