1)Metropolis 大都会(1927)
德国电影大师 Fritz Lang的“大都会”绝对是对科幻电影发展最有影响力的电影之一,即使在八十多年后的今天看来也极具想象力。该片是当年最庞大的电影制作,共拍摄两百万英尺胶卷,雇用25000名男演员、11000名女演员和750名儿童演员。该片的终极修复版将于今年4月中旬起在北美影院上映。
2)The Day The Earth Stood Still 地球停转之日(1951)
3)Forbidden Planet 禁忌星球(1956)
4)Planet Of The Apes 决战猩球(1968)
到了这部电影里,人类与“the other”相遇——Charleton Heston乘坐的太空船降落到了一个未知的星球,这里人类比野兽待遇好不了多少,而一双手掌带着臭味的大猩猩却成了统治者。《决战猩球》开创了一类科幻新流派,一个人(有时候还是由Hestion饰演)与继承我们星球的非人类周旋。窃以为电影没有小说原著来得精彩,但《决战猩球》仍是此类电影中的最佳。
5)2001:A Space Odyssey 2001太空漫游(1968)
6)Alien 异形(1979)
This film didn't just launch Scott and star Sigourney Weaver — it also launched a whole genre of movies about our terrifying encounters with creatures beyond our own imagination. Scott merged space opera, Westerns and horror in a way that pretty much nobody had done before, and the result remains vivid today. With a sharp script by Dan O'Bannon and note-perfect direction by Scott, this is a master class on how to do creepiness and a compelling story in the sterility of deep space.
7)Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back星球大战2:帝国反击战(1980)
This is the first of three sequels that came out in the early 1980s that were better than the films they followed, but which also innovated in a way that their precursors didn't. Not that the originalStar Wars wasn't innovative — it was, in many ways, including its breathtaking effects, its fresh take on Western and Samurai themes, and its exhilerating approach to space opera. But Empire Strikes Back took all of the formal brilliance of Star Wars and married it to a story that feels truly epic. Luke Skywalker's journey in the film, from near-death on Hoth to confronting his own darkness on Dagobah to learning the truth on Bespin — this is a real voyage of discovery. You couldn't skip any of those steps and have it still work. All our other heroes struggle with tragedy and adversity — especially Han Solo — and it makes them deeper and more magnetic as characters. This isn't just the best Star Wars movie, it's one of the most essential movies, in any genre.
8)Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 疯狂的麦克斯2(1981)
11)E.T. 外星人(1982)
12)Tron 电子世界争霸战(1982)
13)Back To The Future回到未来(1985)
14)Brazil 妙想天开(1985)
18)The Matrix黑客帝国(1999)
21)Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind